At Pain Solutions, we are committed to providing the highest level of care to our patients. At times, you may be unable to come to the clinic for your follow-up appointment. Of course, in-person visits are always preferred, but in the case of a health or transportation issue, we are happy to provide two different options for Telehealth Visits as detailed below.

Doxy.me is like Skype or Zoom in that it can be used on your phone or computer. It is the preferred way of conducting televisits for Pain Solutions. At the time of your appointment, simply open your preferred internet browser and type in your provider's web address:
Dr. Nairn: Doxy.me/drnairn
Elizabeth Bauer de Muenzberg: Doxy.me/emuenzberg
This will direct you to Dr. Nairn or Elizabeth's waiting room. You will then type in your name and click "Check In." Wait for the provider to start the visit.
FaceTime can be used on Apple products only—either on an iPhone or an iPad. If you're using an iPhone, FaceTime automatically registers your phone number. If you're using an iPad or iPod Touch, you must register your email address, and Apple ID.
FaceTime is just like using your phone for normal calls. At the scheduled time of your appointment, either Elizabeth or Dr. Nairn will call you and you simply answer the call. You will need to make sure that your microphone and camera are turned ON. When, the call is over, you simply hang up.

Prior to being scheduled, all telehealth visits must be approved by Dr. Nairn. Multiple telehealth visits in a row will not be approved.
You are required to call the office immediately after your televised to schedule your next med check appointment or to verify that you are already scheduled for your next visit.
Payment for your televisit is due at or before your next scheduled appointment — NO EXCEPTIONS. Please keep this in mind when you come to your next appointment.
You will need access to the internet and to a device with a camera for each option.
DON'T FORGET! Call the office immediately after your televised to schedule your next visit to ensure you don't miss your next appointment.